Astronomy principles and practice

This fourth edition of Roy and Clarke's classic textbook has been updated and expanded to include the many exciting developments in modern astronomy and expermental methodes. Astronomy: Principles and practice provides a comprehensive and systematic treatment of astronomy, including the essential physical and mathematical groundwork so often omitted other textbooks. Divided into four main parts; Introduction; Celestial sphere and elementary celectial mechanics; observational techniques and experimetal work, this volume introduces the concepts and historical development of astronomy, presents a full and detailed course on positional measurements and celestial machanics, and describes the techniques and instrumentation of astronomical observation and measurement. Suitable for undergraduate students in physics and astronomy, the authors have included many worked examples, problmes with answers, a wide selection of practical projects and a directory of relevant and important astronomy websites. The companion volume Astronomy: Structure of the universe duscusses the Solar System, the astrophysics of stars and interstellar matter, and galactic structure and cosmology. Combined these two volumes provide a complete course companion. Professor Archive E Roy is Emeritus Professor of Astronomy and Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Kelvin Building, University of Glasgow. Dr David Clark is the former Director of Glasgow University's Observatories and Reader in Astronomy (retired), currently Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Physics and Asronomy, The Kelvin Building, University of Glasgow.
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